When your market joins the VTFMA, not only do you get a host of member benefits, but your market joins a community seeking to strengthen farmers markets and direct marketing opportunities for vendors around the state.
How to Join
Complete the membership application
You can complete the application online (preferred) or you can print a paper application and mail it to the address below with your membership dues​ -
Make check out to NOFA-VT and write the name of your Farmers Market and "VTFMA" in the memo line. Mail membership dues to:
PO Box 697
Richmond, VT 05477 -
Complete the annual VT Farmers Market Survey online​You can view the survey questions ahead of time so you can prepare any necessary data
Complete a separate survey for the winter (if applicable) and summer seasons
Check-out last year's Farmers Market Report to see how your data is used!
Benefits of Membership
1. Statewide promotion of farmers markets. Members will:
Be promoted through a diversity of online and print sources created in partnership with NOFA-VT, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Travel and Tourism, and other non-profit organizations/businesses;
Have a listing on DigInVT.com, a promotional site for agriculture and culinary tourism destinations in Vermont ($50 value).
Promoted on the NOFA-VT online Farmers Market Directory and through their print Farm & Food Guide
Have use of the VTFMA member market logo and marketing materials
2. Networking and information sharing opportunities among farmers markets:
VTFMA listserv
Annual Farmers Market Conference
Regional/statewide gatherings of farmers markets
Access to the VTFMA Market Documents Project, a one-stop shop for markets looking to see how other markets structure their documents and prevent the need to recreate new documents when many good templates already exist.
3. A collective voice for Vermont farmers markets, advocating for markets statewide and serving as a legislative voice.
4. Eligibility to apply for farmers market grants administered by NOFA-VT when available.
5. Support from NOFA-VT staff around:
SNAP authorization and EBT technology
Crop Cash
6. Discounted registration for one member per market to farmers market workshops and conferences for market organizers organized by NOFA-VT.
7. Farmers Market Coalition (FMC) membership (a $40 value!).
Benefits of this include:
Member-only Resources, such as POP Club Guide, Toolkit, and Templates
Access to members-only webinars on timely education topics and opportunities to have your questions answered live by experts
A special ‘Proud member’ badge for your organization’s web site, which links your visitors directly to FMC’s valuable resources
8. One eligible board representative per member market. A member market is defined as any market that meets the membership criteria.
Eligiblity Requirements
1. Two or more producers of Vermont agricultural products according to 11V.S.A.991 (Vermont State Statute)
2. Market has formal process for participation in the market
3. Market meets for five or more regularly scheduled times
4. Market participates in submission of annual Farmers Market Survey (including annual gross sales, vendor mix, etc.)
5. Market has a process for communicating vendor responsibility to comply with all applicable health and safety standards
6. Cultivates an awareness of market-wide best practices
7. Annual dues paid (see membership fees below).
8. All fee-paying vendors of the market sell products that are locally produced (as defined by the Vermont Statue)
Clarifying notes:
• Local products can be purchased for resale at a farmers market; the VTFMA recommends working towards 100% producer-only markets as a best practice. (Written best practices are available on the VTFMA website.)
• The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets is the state regulator and enforcer, and farmers markets work in partnership with the state.
Membership Categories & Fees
Annual membership fees cover markets between January 1st and December 31st.
Market Member
Any market that meets the membership criteria. Market membership fees are on a sliding scale from $90-$250, determined by the total number of vendors at the market, with the exception that the fee for new, start-up markets will be waived for their first membership year. If your market is unable to pay the full amount, please contact us to discuss options.
At this time all benefits are available at all levels. We ask markets to pay according to the following guidelines:
Small markets (2-15 vendors): $90
Medium markets (16-35 vendors): $155
Large markets (36+ vendors): $250
Sponsoring member
A person or organization other than a farmers market that pays annual dues and supports the purpose of the VTFMA. The Sponsoring Member may not be a voting member of the VTFMA or a member of the board. Sponsoring memberships are $25 a year.
We'd love to answer any questions you have!